Of New Voices and Lifelines

I’m thinking about new ways to find my voice as an artist, and this picture from my office is a perfect representation of this. 

For years, I have found solace in the silence of the written word. It suited my introverted nature, and I didn’t have to try too hard or worry about what others would think of my voice—too frail, sleepy, boring.

However, in the last few months, a new hunger has arisen in me, brought on by the questions I’m constantly asking about what it means to be an artist and why I’ve chosen this often treacherous path. I am now on a mission to find others like me who edit, write, cook, sculpt, knit, sing, or create in any form.

I’ve started Journey of the Art, a podcast where we tell inspiring stories of artists and chat with those who support them on their creative path. It’s available on YouTube (please subscribe🙏🏽), Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Amazon Music.

Please subscribe to the channel!

So far, my focus has been on chatting with writers, but I’m slowly branching out to other creatives. I want to extend lifelines to artists and be a bridge between them and the receivers of their work. 

Listen on Spotify

I’ve also found a new voice in my newsletters, where I share what I’ve been up to, creatively or otherwise. I find it therapeutic sharing these slices of my life and musings, and I hope you enjoy reading my newsletters as much as I enjoy writing them. I’m currently sharing about writing my book, a reimagining of Behind Mud Walls (with word count updates!). 

I’m sending out another newsletter tomorrow. Join the community to stay in the loop!

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