Claim ignorance.
That’s the first and best strategy I can come up with to get myself out of this mess. How could I have been so careless? In my haste to cook another pot of rice for the children after I forgot the first one on the burner while I entertained my guest, I didn’t remember to put away the extra condom he left on the bed. It is over. Just a month! My mother would never let me hear the last of this.
“I don’t know about it ma!” I cry.
I summon tears of disappointment which appear to my boss as tears of remorse. She’s not buying it.
“Who did you bring into my house?”
“No one ma” I reply as convincingly as possible.
I’ve never seen her so furious. The children are wondering what all the fuss is about. By now they know the shiny sachet is not sweet. She slaps me and for a moment I am almost tempted to spill out the truth.
“I don’t know anything ma” I maintain
“Since you have decided to keep lying, go upstairs and pack your bags. You’re leaving my house this evening”
At this, I break down into violent tears.
“Aunty please… Ok, if I know anything about it may it not be…”
“Don’t bother swearing! I don’t think it can be well with you. Go upstairs and pack your things!” She yells

I’m packing my bag and crying regretfully. I have messed everything up. All the dreams I had! To think that I have to go back to nothing, there isn’t even a kiosk anymore. There is a knock on the door.
“Unpack your things. The condom belonged to my brother-in-law. He used to use this room.”
“Thank you ma!” I kneel down thanking her and my good fortune profusely.
What? I get another chance!
Bode Coker
Deji can be so irresponsible. He knows there are children in the house, how could he leave a thing like that lying around. Maybe now that he’s finished his service year he’ll conduct himself properly. It’s just lucky that I called Titi at the right time. The poor girl must have been terrified; Titi is such a sweet woman but she also has a hot temper when provoked.
How do I tell her now that Deji wants to come and stay with us for a while pending the time he gets a job?
I’m calm now. I’ve restrategized. At the top of my list is revenge. I’m in the children’s room making their beds, I know they’re just kids but life is not fair. I smile as I slide open slightly the mosquito net.
*The series continues on Monday. Watch this space! *
fingers crossed!
this is truly a super series.