Hi there! Today’s post is a short one, but I believe you’ll find it beneficial.
About two days ago, there was an odor in my kitchen. The smell of a rotten onion. I checked the basket where I had kept a used onion, but it looked all right. I observed the waste bin, but didn’t see any rotten onions there either. It was mildly frustrating, because everytime I entered into my kitchen, I smelt a rotten onion but couldn’t find it.

It wasn’t until this morning, when I wanted to dice some onions for breakfast, that I finally found it. It was the same onion I had earlier checked. It was fine on the outside but rotten on the inside. Suffice it to say that I could barely get anything out of it.
Sometimes in life, all we need to do is take a closer look at a thing. Take a closer look at that contract that’s too good to be true, that relationship, that job, that business opportunity. A lot of times, our instincts warn us that something is wrong, but because we don’t look closely, we don’t see the flaws in it. Today, trust your instincts. Take a closer look, and you’ll probably find that the thing you thought was all right is actually quite rotten.