A New Era

Dear reader,

First of all, thank you for being here.

You may have noticed my unexplained silence and inactivity. Well, this is my explanation, because I believe you deserve it.

Over the years, I have shared stories with you. Stories that made you laugh, sad, angry, cry. We have laughed over plot twists and disagreed over plot endings but you’ve stayed with me all these years and left me heart-warming reviews. I developed my craft and found my artistic voice! It’s been an honour to be able to give you something to look forward to and take you into the worlds that I created (I especially thank those of you who have been with me, from the beginning of my blogging journey).

However, the time has come for me to swim in deeper waters, explore new territory. So, you will begin to see a new direction on this site. LolaOpatayo will now be known primarily as a resource and information site for writers, artists, and readers.

Don’t despair, there will still be stories. However, they will be mostly contributions and submissions from other writers.

No, I am not abandoning my craft. In fact, I have been very busy writing, I’ve just not been sharing them here! My works will appear in other places soon and I will gladly share the news.

So why am I doing this? To be honest, very honest? I have evolved, I am evolving. It is time for me to shine the light for others. It’s no longer alright for me to be okay with my self-imposed solitude.

I don’t have all the answers, I don’t know where this road will lead me to in the next three years, or five, or ten. But I know this, I must move forward, and I hope you’ll go with me.

Let me once again thank you all for being with me, I truly appreciate every single one of you.


Life and love,


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27 thoughts on “A New Era

  1. oh! How I’ve missed ur stories. Can’t wait to read from u.
    I pray d journey will be smoother and better.
    Good luck

      1. It’s my pleasure. I should thank you for being a unique and an exceptional writer.
        Adelola did me much good the day she tagged me to your blog. If not for her, I would have missed all these cool stories.
        God bless you both. 😃

  2. It’s good to hear from you after a long time. I was a bit worried by your silence so to say that I’m happy you are back and well is an understatement. I wish you well in all your pursuits.

  3. Nostalgia… But then it’s good news. We are yours and you are ours. We are with you always. Hope we wulk still be able to buy stories?

  4. We love you Lola and although we have missed you (and will continue to miss your beautifully crafted stories) we understand that its time to move on.

    So here’s me wishing you all the best in this next phase…#cheerstoabrighterfuture

  5. Thank you for the info. We’re definitely waiting on your stories and other content. Cheers!

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