What exactly does chief want with Niniola? I pity Gbenga …

Comment on The Family Part 6 by .

What exactly does chief want with Niniola? I pity Gbenga with what he is trying to do, the wife of a chief, not just any man. I can’t wait to read the next episode.

Also Commented

The Family Part 6
This lemonade sha…..

The Family Part 6
Wait oh… Where is part 7? This part 6 was supposed to have been posted yesterday and part 7 today. I will wait until you post part 7 today before I comment on part 6 ?
And by the way, part 6 was so so so short. So you would have to make part 7 very lengthy ?. You know it’s not very easy to wait for 48 hours before the next post comes up, and you delayed us with extra 24hours yesterday. so you have to compensate us with part 7 today ??

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